Revolutionize your guests’ stay with our integrated wellness concept

In this age of digital distractions, redirecting the flow of your guest’s attention can be a denominator to increase your sales and value-satisfaction of your guest.
Our goal is to align your offer in hospitality, tourism or retreats with the newest trends in wellness.

The ultimate wellness trifecta:
work, play, and relaxation
all under one roof.”
In today’s always-on modern world, the necessity to find the right sanctuary to PAUSE from the effect of stress and mental fatigue to compensate for the overload of information and sensorial stimuli occurring inside the urban space rhythm is key to accessing a long and healthy lifestyle.
Taking a PAUSE from personal technology is now an the essential measure of prevention is to limit the consequences and effects of prolonged exposure to modern stress and learn new daily habits and behaviours.
Studies show that today’s sedentary lifestyle and digital habitat is affecting the quality of our well-being, depreciating us from the right resources to replenish our mind, body and soul.
Book a free 15-minute call to find out how we can help you increase your ROI and optimize your guest’s experience.
The DigiPause Benefits
Cutting-edge & solution-based tools & methods engineered to
Attract New Clients
Increase Your Revenues
Build brand loyalty
Add A New Star To Your Offer
In response to the growing demand for meaningful wellness space and activities, DigiPause offers flexible options for your guests to maximize the value of their stay with you. Online or Offline.
A hassle-free option to Digital detox, allowing your guest to take a rest from technology anywhere and at any time
Because Authentic Health Is
The New Wealth
The face of the tourism sector has changed considerably over the last few years.
With the consequences of the pandemic and influence of the digital revolution, travelers have new expectations and preferences.
They want to take a vacation from their personal technology, but depend on it for personal or professional reasons at all times.
They are looking for personalized wellness experiences, but don’t know where to go and how to do it.
Our Services

No need to guest what your guest are looking for anymore
With cutting-edge analog tools and metric, we assist you in the making of the best options that takes in consideration a spectrum of criteria to assure that your offer is pinpoint with what your guests are looking for these days; A place to rest, reset and take some time off from their tech burden.
3 easy steps and we’ll take you from evaluation and design to implementation.
Aligning with the Newest Trends &
Demands from
Hospitality & Tourism / Spa & Retreat
We help you identify where and how you can optimize the value of your wellness assets.
We develop, test and create wellness metric and analog tools adapted to your business profile and target audience.
We train your staff on the most efficient ways they can use it in their interaction with your guests.
Connecting The Dots
Wellness + Travel + Work
“Unlock the full potential of your hotel”.
Tailor-made to meet the new standards from the hotel ecosystem, inclusive to anyone looking to tap into the benefits from healthy phone habits and optimal life-tech balance.
Find out how you can exceed your client’s preferences and make your offer stand apart from the competitive wellness market.
Distraction & Tech-Free Gateway Transformative & Long-Lasting Life-Tech Habits
Custom-Built Programs
Focusing on Mental & Physical Health
Transformative & Long-Lasting Life-Tech Habits
Whether it is related to new or emerging market such as bleisure, staycation or digital nomads, In the complex and diverse wellness ecosystem, DigiPause will help you increase your value proposition and differentiation, enabling you to exceed the needs of a growing niche of travellers looking for transformative mental and digital wellness experiences.
“I created what I was looking for but couldn’t find anywhere.”
– Eric Bourgault- Founder of DigiPause
DigiPause is emerging from 15 years of studies and research on the future of wellness, triggered by 20 years of online addiction…
Get in Touch
351 927 667 529