“I couldn’t find a solution to escape from it,
so I created the opposite!”
Eric- DigiPause
The Story behind DigiPause.

How it began
It is from a series of “aha! large than life moments”, connecting the dots between the purpose of wellness and places to experience it, leaning on the sum up of independent studies completed in more than 300 communities, hotels and resorts worldwide, that gave birth to DigiPause: A wellness by design to harness modern ailments and dilemma from today’s sedentary lifestyle.
With the growing concerns and demands for places and programs specialized in digital detox vs the complexity for hoteliers to provide WiFi services to their guests, DigiPause has evolved into a collection of nature-based wellness experiences.
By making it available upon request à la carte, DigiPause can now provide the right space to any travelers looking for the best work + wellness + travel experiences.
Without compromise, and under the same roof..
