Origin of DigiPause

Initially created to propose social initiative and programs around the world, promoting innovative self-harmed reduction based method into the public and private sector, DigiPause as evolved into a unique portfolio of nature-based wellness experiences. 

With the unprecedented event that created a new demographic of travelers who can now work anywhere from home, increasing online obligations and complexity to have access to places to take a pause from it , our focus as shifted into the hotel and hospitality ecosystem.

Reinforcing our mission possible and lifetime commitment to make wellbeing inclusive to anyone, under any circumstances and under the same roof.

Because even with the most advanced technology, behind any walls and screen, there is human beings with human needs

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DigiPause was created to address the growing issue of online addiction and its negative effects on mental and physical health. The initiative was inspired by the creator’s own experience with addiction and the need for a harm-reduction based solution. Initially, DigiPause focused on offering programs, workshops, and social events that helped individuals disconnect from the digital world and reconnect with themselves.

However, as the demand for personalized, nature-based programs and places to disconnect grew, DigiPause evolved to offer a wide range of wellness experiences and solutions that can be adapted to anyone’s specific needs.

 Today, DigiPause is expanding its services by incorporating them into the hotel ecosystem, making it easier for individuals to take a break from the digital world and focus on their wellbeing.

A Valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their overall health and well-being by taking a break from the digital world.

You are an hotelier who want to create the right space to allow your guest to enjoy a moment of rest? Or someone who is eager to experience a healthier life-tech balance?

Wer are there for you

FInd out how our DigiPause can help you-+  Digitest? or home page

Our team

Eric Bourgault

Eric Bourgault

Founder Director innovation and leadership

Passionate about the healing purpose of travelling and age-reversing factors behind the science of digital detox, he is an early pioneer of the digital detox movement. A living encyclopedia and specialist on this matter.  It his passion and lifelong commitment to making wellness a mission possible for anyone are palpable in projects and social initiatives he created worldwide. 

 With his atypical multidisciplinary background in the social, education and tourism sector, unique holistic toolbox and creative visionary mindset, he is blending and expanding his vision to service providers of the future of wellness: the hotel ecosystem.

 As a solution-oriented experience designer, community builder and trailblazer in innovative nature-based preventive methods, he acts as a bridge and matchmaker between hotelier’s offers and new demands from today’s travellers. 

He is also a charismatic well-spoken artist, author, poet, laughter yoga teacher and certified speaker that possesses more than 10 years of stage performance and incomparable ways to get his message across.

Michael Tank

Michael Tank

Director product and development

As a graduate of Design | Media Arts @ UCLA and a startup alum from Scoot Networks, Michael brings a diverse toolset to DigiPause including design strategy, coaching and team leadership, and customer-facing product analysis experience. Michael shares the DigiPause vision of a low-tech offering and his unique experience with retreats, ecovillages, and hospitality services makes him an integral addition to our team. 

As Director of Product and Design, he support DigiPause to understand its market trends and customer needs, identify new opportunities for low-tech client services, and iterate and launch new offerings that fulfill DigiPause’s mission. 

He will work closely with our marketing team to ensure that our offering is clear and attractive to our customer base, while coordinating with the Director of Innovation and Leadership to fulfill product implementation and develop a strategy to scale.

Our collaborator

Past work and achievement

Creation of the first Digital Wellness days in both Canada and India.

Independent studies & research on the trends around Digital Detox in America & Europe.

Creation of Wellness by Design for rural tourism in different parts of America

cycling retreats, 

Laughter Yoga workshops and a wealth of offline products and services.

Implementation of Digital Wellness principles in Ayurvedic centers in India.